Congratulations to Nick Cunetta on his M.S. thesis!

Congratulations to Nick Cunetta who successfully defended his M.S. thesis research! Nick mapped high-grade amphibolite and blueschist units in the Easton terrane combined with garnet geochronology to determine the timing of subduction initiation and the deformation of early subduction zone rocks. Nick's work revealed a complex deformation and metamorphic history, provided a high-precision age for Jurassic sudduction initiation in the Easton, and found evidence for an older, unrecognized metamorphic event. Nick is now a geologist for Shannon and Wilson Engineering in Seattle, WA.

2024 Nick Cunetta M.S.

  • Cunetta, N.S., 2024, Timing of subduction initiation and deformation history of amphibolite and blueschist in the Easton metamorphic suite, Northwest Cascades, Washington, WWU Graduate School Collection.
